Craniosacral Therapy
The breathing of life
What is CranioSacral therapy?
Craniosacral is a delicate but strong body therapy.
Many people are mistaken to consider CST as a healing energy technique due to the delicate touch and the similarity of the hands hold of the body to the Reiki therapy. Craniosacral is a physical therapy like Swedish massage/deep tissues/trigger points techniques, the difference is that craniosacral is opening the flood in our body while the others working on opening the muscles.
Many people don’t know what CranioSacral is all about. I’ll give here the simplest explanation for CranioSacral.
Many times we are not feeling well, it can be a problem in one of our joints, sometimes just a weird feeling, a sudden ache, a bruise and etc.
we are saying to ourselves “it will go by itself” and it’s gone. How’s that happening? Our body has a self healing system AND THAT’S the CranioSacral system.
Our body is not still. There’s a constant minor and delicate movement - inhalation and exhalation.
This movement, this beat, makes sure that the body is in constant self healing, where there’s no beat, there’s no life. Each one of us has between 6 to 12 beats per minute (roughly).
In places in the body that there’s a trauma, the beat is not working properly. (Too slow, too fast, too silent, only inhalation or exhalation, un stable rhythm and more).
CranioSacral therapist can listen to your CranioSacral beat and encourage it to work better.
In all of our cells, in the facia, bones, muscles, diaphragms, there’s a liquid. The liquid travels through the body. The stream of it, is what we call the CranioSacral beat. Every stream is a CranioSacral beat. The liquid produced in the brain and travels through the body.
In The first cell, when we develop to a baby human being, there’s only that liquid. For the first 6 weeks we develop, the system is still not using DNA and chromosomes. In the liquid, there’s the knowledge to build and form a human body.
The liquid travels in our body and keeps it in its ideal and healthy state. Where there’s a trauma, it fixes it. Trauma can be any problem, from the smallest to the biggest.
As has been said, where there’s no beat, there’s no life. The rhythm of the beat is between 6 to 12 bpm.
In places with trauma the beat changes.
As a certified CranioSacral therapist, I’m searching for these places and encouraging the beat to go back to its stable rhythm.
That action is accelerating the self healing process.
A session can take between 45 to 75 minutes.
Recommended between 3 to 5 sessions to heal a chronic problem. At the end of the process the patient learns how to listen to his own CS bit and to get into fulcrum state.
What to expect from a Craniosacral session?
What can you experience in a Craniosacral session? During a CST session, you may enter a deeper state of awareness, similar to a trance. This can involve seeing colors, figures, people and distant memories. Many have reported feeling as if they have returned to their true selves after the session. CST is a form of healing therapy, and can be used to help treat various conditions, such as high blood pressure, bone issues, chronic pain, emotional trauma, psoriasis, migraines, insomnia and more. A single session may bring about miraculous effects, or it may take multiple sessions to achieve the desired results.